ARRL Field Day 2022

(Madison, WV) 24 May 2022 – The Coal Country Amateur Radio Club is
pleased to announce the upcoming Club participation in ARRL Field Day
2022 at the Water Ways Soccer Field, Julian West Virginia. The Club
will participate in activities which includes emergency radio
preparedness and educational activities we provide through the club’s
affiliation with ARRL.
The club operates for 24 hours, from 2pm on Saturday June 25 until 2pm
on Sunday June 26 on a variety of different radio modes and on all
available amateur radio frequency bands. Potentially thousands of
other amateur radio stations will be contacted during this event where
basic information is exchanged to verify contacts in both directions.
These contacts are submitted to ARRL, along with other pertinent
information and around mid-November, the results will be presented by
If you’re interested, stop by the Club location at the Water Ways
Soccer Field on June 25 or 26 2022. Club members are all too eager to
tell you all about radio operations and their equipment. It’s a great
time for amateur operators and it’s an awesome experience for young
folks interested in STEM activities. The club will make every effort
to allow public participation in radio operations, just let us know
and we will GET YOU ON THE AIR!
Talk-In Frequencies:
146.52 (simplex)
146.685 -0.6 MHz 203.5pl (repeater)
The Coal Country Amateur Radio Club
Madison, WV –
Posted in Field Day by admin